Double Exposures Test Fail

I’ve always thought of art making as a solitary pursuit, but more recently I have started to notice the help many of my favorite creatives had along the way. Charles Bukowski, the great American writer, wrote largely in obscurity most of his life. He worked at the post office and a variety of blue collar jobs until he reached his 50s. When his publisher pulled together the funds to give him a stipend to live off of so he could write full time. Vincent van Gogh, had the support of his brother who helped fund his living expenses so he could paint. Leonardo da Vinci himself had the backing of the Pope and the Medicis, so he could paint whenever he felt like it. Some people invest in products, and others in businesses. But let me ask you, have you ever thought of investing in a dream?

I have been living and working in the commercial side of photography in New York for 9 years. Within that time, I’ve learned that my personal work is the most valuable thing I do. Through my art I am able to explore new ideas, engage communities and push the boundaries of human imagination. This is my dream, to make art unencumbered not having to worry about my survival. If you have found this page, I need your help to reach this next level.

In order to make my studio practice sustainable, I would need to raise an average of $5000 per month to cover materials and labor expenses. That’s 60,000/year, roughly the median household income in the US. While a recurring monthly contribution would be the most preferred because it gives me predictable cash flow. Even a one time donation of any amount is still highly appreciated.

To give you an idea of what a difference your support could make for my practice. Over the last 12 years, I have completed 51 World of One images while working whatever jobs come through the door. My goal has always been to make 75, so that I’d maybe have a strong edit of about 50 to make into a book. I believe with full support, I could finish the remaining 24 images within 1 year’s time.

In order to facilitate the collection of donations and hold myself accountable. I’ve entered a fiscal sponsorship with Fractured Atlas, which allows me to collect tax deductible donations. For me it’s just regular income, but for you it’ll be a tax write off. They also will hold me accountable to make sure I spend the money on things like art supplies, instead of, say, blowing it all on booze.

Make a donation today by clicking on the banner below:

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